Sunday, 10 February 2019

29 Things I Want to do This Year

I'm such a strange introvert. I enjoy going out with family and friends and having a good time, but then I'll just want to spend a week at home not being around people. So when I decided I wanted to write a list of things that I wanted to do this year, I realised that a lot of the things are stuff that I can do that is a good mixture of out and about and hiding in seclusion.

Before I show you the list, I want to say that a couple of things on there are things I have talking about in my goals for the year in January, but not all of them are on there. The reason for that is that most of the things on those lists I did were just things that I would like to get done but I'm not going to feel bad if I don't. These are things that I really want to do this year.

1. Read 26 books

I wrote about this on my Reading Goals for this year but I wanted to put it down here as well just so I had the complete list. This is something that I really want to complete because I do like to read a lot.

2. Climb Sydney Harbour Bridge

I've had this on my bucket list for a long time. I've lived in Sydney on and off for years and I have never actually gone ahead and done this. So before I turn 30 I want to climb all the way to the top.

3. Write a book

I don't know what it is, but I'm really feeling inspired to write this year. With all this inspiration, I feel like I can actually complete the first draft of a book this year before I turn 30.

4. Go see a show at the theatre

There are so many great shows out at the moment. One of my Nephews recently went to see Willy Wonka and it looked like so much fun, so with or without T, I want to go see something.

5. Eat at Zumbos

Last year T and I binge watched Zumbos Sweet Deserts on Netflix. It's really made us want to go into the city and eat at his restaurant. At some point this year we're going to do it... maybe for T's birthday?

6. Start learning to play the piano

When I was 11 I started to learn, but I didn't have the want to practice. For the past 5 years, I've been wanting to start up once again. Only this time I'm thinking more of teaching myself more than going out and getting a teacher.

7. Start learning Australian Sign Language

I have always loved Sign Language. When I was 8, we had a teacher choreograph a sign language performance for our end of year concert. It was one of my most favourite things that I ever learned. Since then, I've forgotten the performance but I do want to get back into it because I think it's a language that is very useful throughout life.

8. Do Blogilates 3 times a week

I am not an overly physical person and I don't like doing group classes. It's why I love Blogilates. It's portable, I can do it easily and if I only have twenty minutes to do a workout, I can find some space in the house and a video that fills in that time.

9. Do the ghost tour at Quarantine Station

This is another thing that I have had on the back burner for the past few years. Quarantine Station is this place near Manly that used to be where you would go back in the day to be quarantined before being let out into the general public. Many people died there because of disease and supposedly the place is haunted. I love a good ghost tour, so this place as been on my list for a long time. The added bonus to this whole thing is that you can actually spend the night in cabins there if you want to. I'm not sure if I can talk T into that, but who knows.

10. Go to the Justice and Police Museum

I discovered Sydney had this place a few months ago and have been wanting to go ever since. It's only open on the weekends though so I haven't been able to make the trip into the city like I want to. However this year, with or without someone, I'm going to make the trek and go into the city and have a wander through!

11. Ghost Tour and sleep over and Monte Cristo

Monte Cristo is the first truly haunted place that I have ever stepped into. I went there for a school excursion with my Mum and she still says that in one of the rooms, she felt someone tapping her on the shoulder. I haven't been back since, but I've recently learned that they do night tours and you can sleep over in the house, so it's been added to my bucket list.

12. Visit a medium

If you haven't already guessed, I do kind of love the supernatural side of things. I've been learning how to read tarot cards recently and the place that I go to get a lot of my "hippy" things as T calls them has mediums. Sometime this year I want to go in and talk to one.

13. Learn to crochet

I can knit. Knitting is easy. I just never have been able to crochet. So that is my next challenge.

14. Go to the Gold Coast to ride rollercoasters

This has been on the list for a while, since they opened the new Superman rollercoaster up there. T and I love roller coasters and rides like that in particular. I swear through the whole ride, but I enjoy it so much.

15. Loose 10kgs

I am fully aware that at this point in my life I am obese. I look in the mirror and do feel like I'm overly so, but I'm also aware that I'm larger than what I should be. Last year I managed to go from 102kgs to 93.5 kgs and it was a hard slog on my own. This year, I'm going it with a group and I'm so ready to start losing the weight to get it off, both for health reasons and for other reasons that have already been mentioned.

16. Pierce my ears and nose

My goal since I was a teen was to have my ears pierced 3 times and this year, I want to complete that goal. For the past 3 years, I have been putting a lot of thought into getting my nose done and I think I'm going to go ahead with it.

17. Do treetops at Taronga Zoo

Taronga Zoo is an amazing place, and they have this above ground obstacle course that you can run. It looks like so much fun, so I'd like to give that a go.

18. Hold a koala

I have felt a koala, but I have never held one. As much as I'm aware that they can be cranky, I still want to cuddle one!

19. Go to the snow

I hate the cold. I really do. But T hasn't been snowboarding in over a year and I know he is desperate to go back, so I'm willing to brave the snow for him. Plus I want to build a snowman.

20. Finish the legacy challenge on the sims

I have had poor Averie Thorne sitting unplayed on my computer for about a month now. The poor woman just wants to live her life and become an evil mastermind. It's only fair that I allow her and the generations after her to complete this legacy.

21. Watch a horror movie

I'm not a fan of horror movies. I don't see what is fun about being scared. T, on the other hand, loves them and I think I'm going to allow him to choose one movie that we watch together that is horror related.

22. Assemble a large puzzle

I love puzzles. They're a lot of fun, I just haven't done a huge one in ages!

23. Assemble a lego creator package

Lego for me is on the same level as puzzles. I just find it fun to put everything together.

24. Watch every episode of Supernatural

From episode 1 right up until their current season, I'm going to be watching the Winchester brothers!

25. Throw a surprise party

This is kind of already in the works. Shhh!

26. Go to Vivid

Vivid is this light show that is put on every year throughout Sydney. Last year, T and I went and saw it on the Harbour and it was beautiful. This year I'd like to go and check out Taronga and maybe go a big earlier and tour the zoo at the same time.

27. Go to Madi Gras

They're not far off and it's something I've been wanting to go in and see for so long!

28. Go watch the Sydney Symphony Orchestra

Last year, T and I got the chance to go and watch the Sydney Symphony Orchestra perform while we watched Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back. We've recently discovered that in August they're doing Return of the Jedi, and I really want to go!

29. Donate Blood

When I was in high school, we had the chance to sign up and donate blood and I did it for the last two years I was there. Since then I haven't done it because after one donation I was really light headed and didn't want to do it again for a while. Well, it's been nearly 10 years and I'd like to go and do it again!

So there we go, the full list of things that I would love to do this year. Do you have anything that you want to do this year? I'd love to hear about them!

Until next time,

(aka - Sophie)

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