Wednesday, 6 February 2019

29 Years

I've been trying to work out a way to begin this post for the past few days, but I'm kind of coming up with a mental block. I'm going to give this a go anyway!

It's 8:20am in the morning and although I've been up for over an hour, I've really only just been out of bed long enough to get a chai latte and sit down at my laptop to start writing this up. So far, 29 doesn't feel any different than 28.

I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe some crushing feeling that I'm so close to 30, because for some reason most of my life had been looking at 30 and thinking that I'm getting old. Maybe it's because of where I grew up. In rural NSW you generally do things a lot earlier than many people. Babies, marriage, buying a house, getting new cars. Everything seems to happen in your 20's so by the time you reach 30 you can just look forward to the rest of your life.

That hasn't happened to me. If fifteen-year-old Sophie could see twenty-nine-year-old Sophie, she would be slightly disappointed that I haven't traveled or done all the things that I wanted to do at that age. One day I may actually introduce you to fifteen-year-old me, she was... interesting... but that is a post for another day.

So I have no impressing feelings of oldness on me. I feel exactly the same as I did yesterday, with the exception of having a few new bruises thanks to Alro's need to be horizontal in bed rather than vertical. In fact, if I'm completely honest, I'm actually kind of excited for this year. I don't know why. I just am. I've woken up in this amazing mood.

Right now though, I'm just looking forward to going out later today to look for Sushi Train and Cheese Cake. I'm an easy girl to please!

I'm going to leave things here. Being so early in the morning I really have nothing else to add. No photos of what I have done. Nothing. I doubt if there will be anything else to add to this day anyway because while I get the day off, T is off to work.

Until next time,

(aka - Sophie)

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